Archive for October, 2010

And the Sun Sets on Today and Waits for Tomorrow

Life, as we find it, can be a bit hectic at times. Especially those instances where all you want to do is drop everything and pretend none of this was happening. But then, none of us can really do that. Sure, we can run away from our problems, but one day, it will all just come back to us. It’s an endless cycle: we dream, and then we wake up. It’s eerily like how the days and nights blend together.

Well, I guess that’s all there really is: The sun sets, and the moon and stars come out to play until the sun takes over tomorrow. That’s not all that different from people. Everyone wishes to be someone else, even for a little while. A way to escape reality for a short moment in time and be someone who doesn’t have to worry. A place where one can dream freely, with moonlight as his or her only witness.

But even so, there comes a time when we have to let go, and return to the land of reality. When that time comes, all our dreams simply revert back into memories, waiting for the moment when their owners visit them again. Here is where I decide to keep these memories. Ideas, dreams, anything and everything that comes from my mind will be found here.

-Forgotten Dreamer